[Mondrian] BitKey pos exceeds capacity

Hilario Fernandes hilario.fernandes at cortex-intelligence.com
Fri Nov 15 14:05:42 EST 2013

Thanks for your input, i'll fill a bug report with all the information.

So, you think that the schema change on the single connection used by the
application might cause the problem. Maybe if i create a connection per
query would help? Basically i'd be using a pool of olap connections... But
I've seen somewhere that creating multiple olapconnections to wasn't the
best way to go... I'll give it a try nonetheless!

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Julian Hyde <julianhyde at gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you log a jira case for this? We fixed the previous issue, and your
> scenario is sufficiently different that it's probably a separate bug.
> I wonder whether the multi-threaded nature of your application is causing
> this. If the list of columns in a star is changing, say because one
> connection is using a star for a query while another one is building a
> schema and adding columns to the same star, then that might explain it. I
> don't have the solution to the bug, but hopefully these remarks would give
> an engineer a clue where to look.
> Julian
> On Nov 15, 2013, at 3:43 AM, Hilario Fernandes <
> hilario.fernandes at cortex-intelligence.com> wrote:
> So, i've been trying to isolate this issue and it has not been easy, but
> finally i've managed to get one run where i got the erros in a log i could
> use to present here. One thing to point out, this is not consistent. The
> sequence of queries that gave the error might not give it if i run it again
> on the same conditions with no change in the data. This is what is making
> it so hard to figure what's causing it.
> The project i'm working is built uppon grails framework, there is a
> service in it that holds the olapConnection to run the queries. These are
> the startup parameters:
> def connectionProperties = '' << 'jdbc:mondrian:'
> connectionProperties << "Jdbc="jdbc:monetdb://host:50000/database;"
> connectionProperties << "JdbcUser=username;"
> connectionProperties << "JdbcPassword=password;"
> connectionProperties << "JdbcDrivers=nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver;"
> connectionProperties << "UseContentChecksum=true;"
> connectionProperties << "CatalogContent=<Schema name=\"CUBES\"></Schema>"
> Class.forName("mondrian.olap4j.MondrianOlap4jDriver")
> def connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionProperties)
> def olapConnection = connection.unwrap(OlapConnection.class)
> The cube schema is generated per analysis so we add it before the query
> and remove it after its completed ("INFO  mondrian.MondrianBridge CURRENT
> CUBES:[]" in the log indicates the cubes in the global schema at that
> time). This is the code we use for that:
> RolapSchema schema = getServerSchema(olapConnection)
> schema.createCube(xml)
> ...
> schema.removeCube(cubeId)
> Query execution is done with this code:
> OlapStatement statement = olapConnection.createStatement()
> statement.executeOlapQuery(query)
> As for the log, i've added it here so the email is shorter:
> http://pastebin.com/Y7Z0Hi0b
> Any ideas are appreciated!
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Julian Hyde <julianhyde at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This looks very much like http://jira.pentaho.com/browse/MONDRIAN-1047.
>> Worth checking whether we have regressed.
>> Julian
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> Hilario Fernandes
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Hilario Fernandes
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