[Mondrian] BitKey pos exceeds capacity

Hilario Fernandes hilario.fernandes at cortex-intelligence.com
Fri Nov 15 06:43:19 EST 2013

So, i've been trying to isolate this issue and it has not been easy, but
finally i've managed to get one run where i got the erros in a log i could
use to present here. One thing to point out, this is not consistent. The
sequence of queries that gave the error might not give it if i run it again
on the same conditions with no change in the data. This is what is making
it so hard to figure what's causing it.

The project i'm working is built uppon grails framework, there is a service
in it that holds the olapConnection to run the queries. These are the
startup parameters:

def connectionProperties = '' << 'jdbc:mondrian:'
connectionProperties << "Jdbc="jdbc:monetdb://host:50000/database;"
connectionProperties << "JdbcUser=username;"
connectionProperties << "JdbcPassword=password;"
connectionProperties << "JdbcDrivers=nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver;"
connectionProperties << "UseContentChecksum=true;"
connectionProperties << "CatalogContent=<Schema name=\"CUBES\"></Schema>"

def connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionProperties)
def olapConnection = connection.unwrap(OlapConnection.class)

The cube schema is generated per analysis so we add it before the query and
remove it after its completed ("INFO  mondrian.MondrianBridge CURRENT
CUBES:[]" in the log indicates the cubes in the global schema at that
time). This is the code we use for that:

RolapSchema schema = getServerSchema(olapConnection)

Query execution is done with this code:

OlapStatement statement = olapConnection.createStatement()

As for the log, i've added it here so the email is shorter:

Any ideas are appreciated!

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Julian Hyde <julianhyde at gmail.com> wrote:

> This looks very much like http://jira.pentaho.com/browse/MONDRIAN-1047.
> Worth checking whether we have regressed.
> Julian
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Hilario Fernandes
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