[Mondrian] Discussion about drill through

Andrew Petrov deviatio at gmail.com
Fri May 17 05:18:46 EDT 2013

Hi all,

This discussion inspired by https://github.com/pentaho/mondrian/pull/74

All samples are from Foodmart.

First issue: missing name columns

When i use a request without return


DRILLTHROUGH MAXROWS 200 SELECT ([Measures].[Count], [Position].[Middle
Management].[HQ Information Systems]) ON COLUMNS


select "time_by_day"."the_year" as "Year", "time_by_day"."quarter" as
"Quarter", "time_by_day"."the_month" as "Month",
"time_by_day"."month_of_year" as "Month (Key)", "store"."store_country" as
"Store Country", "store"."store_state" as "Store State",
"store"."store_city" as "Store City", "store"."store_name" as "Store Name",
"position"."pay_type" as "Pay Type", "store"."store_type" as "Store Type",
"employee"."management_role" as "Management Role",
"employee"."position_title" as "Position Title",
"department"."department_id" as "Department Description",
"employee"."full_name" as "Employee Id", "employee"."employee_id" as
"Employee Id (Key)", "salary"."employee_id" as "Count"
from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day", "salary" as "salary", "store" as
"store", "employee" as "employee", "position" as "position", "department"
as "department"
where "salary"."pay_date" = "time_by_day"."the_date" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 and "salary"."employee_id" =
"employee"."employee_id" and "employee"."store_id" = "store"."store_id" and
"employee"."position_id" = "position"."position_id" and
"employee"."management_role" = 'Middle Management' and
"employee"."position_title" = 'HQ Information Systems' and
"salary"."department_id" = "department"."department_id"
order by "time_by_day"."the_year" ASC, "time_by_day"."quarter" ASC,
"time_by_day"."the_month" ASC, "time_by_day"."month_of_year" ASC,
"store"."store_country" ASC, "store"."store_state" ASC,
"store"."store_city" ASC, "store"."store_name" ASC, "position"."pay_type"
ASC, "store"."store_type" ASC, "employee"."management_role" ASC,
"employee"."position_title" ASC, "department"."department_id" ASC,
"employee"."full_name" ASC, "employee"."employee_id" ASC

When i use a request with return


DRILLTHROUGH MAXROWS 200 SELECT ([Measures].[Count], [Position].[Middle
Management].[HQ Information Systems]) ON COLUMNS
RETURN [Department].[Department Description], [Employees].[Employee Id],
[Pay Type].[Pay Type], [Position].[Management Role], [Position].[Position
Title], [Store].[Store Country], [Store].[Store State], [Store].[Store
City], [Store].[Store Name], [Store Type].[Store Type], [Time].[Year],
[Time].[Quarter], [Time].[Month], [Measures].[Count]


select "time_by_day"."the_year" as "Year", "time_by_day"."quarter" as
"Quarter", "time_by_day"."month_of_year" as "Month (Key)",
"store"."store_country" as "Store Country", "store"."store_state" as "Store
State", "store"."store_city" as "Store City", "store"."store_name" as
"Store Name", "position"."pay_type" as "Pay Type", "store"."store_type" as
"Store Type", "employee"."management_role" as "Management Role",
"employee"."position_title" as "Position Title",
"department"."department_id" as "Department Description",
"employee"."employee_id" as "Employee Id (Key)", "salary"."employee_id" as
from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day", "salary" as "salary", "store" as
"store", "employee" as "employee", "position" as "position", "department"
as "department"
where "salary"."pay_date" = "time_by_day"."the_date" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 and "salary"."employee_id" =
"employee"."employee_id" and "employee"."store_id" = "store"."store_id" and
"employee"."position_id" = "position"."position_id" and
"employee"."management_role" = 'Middle Management' and
"employee"."position_title" = 'HQ Information Systems' and
"salary"."department_id" = "department"."department_id"
order by "time_by_day"."the_year" ASC, "time_by_day"."quarter" ASC,
"time_by_day"."month_of_year" ASC, "store"."store_country" ASC,
"store"."store_state" ASC, "store"."store_city" ASC, "store"."store_name"
ASC, "position"."pay_type" ASC, "store"."store_type" ASC,
"employee"."management_role" ASC, "employee"."position_title" ASC,
"department"."department_id" ASC, "employee"."employee_id" ASC

Screenshots (Saiku powered):

<img src="
<img src="

So you can see in second case we have missing name columns. Its because we
call request.addConstrainedColumn(nameColumn, null), but forgot to call
((DrillThroughCellRequest)request)addDrillThroughColumn(nameColumn) just
like few lines above. I make this change in commit:

Second issue: redundant columns in select

Current behavior:


DRILLTHROUGH MAXROWS 200 SELECT ([Measures].[Count], [Position].[Middle
Management].[HQ Information Systems]) ON COLUMNS
RETURN [Position].[Position Title], [Measures].[Count]


select "employee"."position_title" as "Position Title",
"salary"."employee_id" as "Count"
from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day", "salary" as "salary", "store" as
"store", "employee" as "employee", "position" as "position", "department"
as "department"
where "salary"."pay_date" = "time_by_day"."the_date" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 and "salary"."employee_id" =
"employee"."employee_id" and "employee"."store_id" = "store"."store_id" and
"employee"."position_id" = "position"."position_id" and
"employee"."management_role" = 'Middle Management' and
"employee"."position_title" = 'HQ Information Systems' and
"salary"."department_id" = "department"."department_id" order by
"employee"."position_title" ASC

As you can see we have department table in from clause, if you allow nulls
in your tables you can have working aggregation, but broken drillthrough
(because all tables in from use "inner join"). For example same request
without drillthrough:


SELECT ([Measures].[Count], [Position].[Middle Management].[HQ Information
Systems]) ON COLUMNS


select "time_by_day"."the_year" as "c0", "employee"."management_role" as
"c1", "employee"."position_title" as "c2", count("salary"."employee_id") as
from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day", "salary" as "salary", "employee" as
where "salary"."pay_date" = "time_by_day"."the_date" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 and "salary"."employee_id" =
"employee"."employee_id" and "employee"."management_role" = 'Middle
Management' and "employee"."position_title" = 'HQ Information Systems'
group by "time_by_day"."the_year", "employee"."management_role",

As you can see for ex. "department" table not really needed.

Desired behavior: only listed in "return" clause dimension effect on result


DRILLTHROUGH MAXROWS 200 SELECT ([Measures].[Count], [Position].[Middle
Management].[HQ Information Systems]) ON COLUMNS
RETURN [Position].[Position Title], [Measures].[Count]


select "employee"."position_title" as "Position Title",
"salary"."employee_id" as "Count"
from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day", "salary" as "salary", "employee" as
where "salary"."pay_date" = "time_by_day"."the_date" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 and "salary"."employee_id" =
"employee"."employee_id" and "employee"."management_role" = 'Middle
Management' and "employee"."position_title" = 'HQ Information Systems'
order by "employee"."position_title" ASC

We can do this by commenting single line like in this commit:

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