[Mondrian] Efficient JSON representation for "XMLA" responses

Paul Stoellberger p.stoellberger at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 19:29:40 EDT 2012

One of my biggest concerns over xmla-like communication is the overall overhead in a) number http calls b) processing the results

With this row (array) based results we will have to build in logic into the client to be able to understand the logic behind catalogs, schemas, cubes and how they correlate and turn those rows into objects instead of returning objects directly, as we do in saiku today. In order to work with this data I need those objects, and this just doesn't feel right to me. 

Furthermore this will have to be processed by the client. Now I know this is probably not something very expensive to do but I would rather keep the necessary logic and processing on the client side to an absolute minimum. Doing the same transformations on server side code will always be faster and therefore deliver a better user experience to the user. The less the browser has to work, the better.

But my major point of concern is the number of server calls needed to retrieve the necessary metadata information. 
I admit I don't know the details about all xmla calls but what I can tell by looking at olap4j's xmla driver there are a lot of round trips needed to retrieve all the information necessary. I have plans to understand those calls better in order to improve the xmla driver. Maybe I'm wrong, so feel free to convince me otherwise.

Regarding standards, are there any other OLAP servers that return metadata in a xmla like manner?
What was good for xml, doesn't have to be necessarily the best for todays "ways of doing things". 
People were able to consume xmla (like Andy / Roland proved successfully) directly before, however we got great feedback from web developers who confirmed how easy it is to work with our (metadata) API.
When I look at public API's like github's I see rich JSON objects and not row based resultsets.
What are your arguments to keeping the structure completely the same but just switching from xml to json?

Metadata calls are pretty straightforward and there is not much you can do differently, so I am happy to adapt to a better standard (although having 1 server return the data this way doesn't make it a standard).

However, the best API and standards don't make good software. My biggest concern is to make things work. 
If it means I can do stuff more efficient (less http calls, less processing needed) I prefer that over a "clean" API.

But maybe in order to move forward:
Maybe there is a way how we can turn those xmla like results into something nice thats still mappable to xmla results.
E.g. the JSON you pasted below:
If "row" becomes "cube" and this cube element (can) contain already hierarchy and/or level information in the same result, but still keep the xmla like result style that would make me already happy.

Andy, Roland ... you two have probably the best insights on this topic so it would be great if you could share your opinion with us as well!


On Sep 19, 2012, at 12:44 AM, Julian Hyde wrote:

> Paul,
> On IRC yesterday you said there was a more efficient JSON representation of XMLA responses than the one implemented in olap4j-xmlaserver (formerly Mondrian's XMLA server).
> There are some examples in XmlaBasicTest [ see https://raw.github.com/pentaho/mondrian/master/testsrc/main/mondrian/xmla/XmlaBasicTest.ref.xml and search for "Json" ]. One is
> "cxmla:DiscoverResponse": {
>   "xmlns:cxmla": "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis",
>   "cxmla:return": {
>     "root": {
>       "xmlns": "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset",
>       "xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
>       "xmlns:xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
>       "xmlns:EX": "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception",
>       "row": [
>         {
>           "CATALOG_NAME": "FoodMart",
>           "SCHEMA_NAME": "FoodMart",
>           "CUBE_NAME": "HR",
>           "CUBE_TYPE": "CUBE",
>           "LAST_SCHEMA_UPDATE": "xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xx",
>           "IS_DRILLTHROUGH_ENABLED": true,
>           "IS_WRITE_ENABLED": false,
>           "IS_LINKABLE": false,
>           "IS_SQL_ENABLED": false,
>           "CUBE_CAPTION": "HR",
>           "DESCRIPTION": "FoodMart Schema - HR Cube"
>         },
>         {
>           "CATALOG_NAME": "FoodMart",
>           "SCHEMA_NAME": "FoodMart",
>           "CUBE_NAME": "Sales",
>           "CUBE_TYPE": "CUBE",
>           "LAST_SCHEMA_UPDATE": "xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xx",
>           "IS_DRILLTHROUGH_ENABLED": true,
>           "IS_WRITE_ENABLED": false,
>           "IS_LINKABLE": false,
>           "IS_SQL_ENABLED": false,
>           "CUBE_CAPTION": "Sales",
>           "DESCRIPTION": "FoodMart Schema - Sales Cube"
>         },
>                 ...
> and there's another that returns nested metadata (cubes, dimensions, hierarchies, etc.) and another that returns a cell set.
> I'm open to making this more concise and "json-like" as long as there is a clear mapping from the XMLA spec. (If we depart from the spec entirely we're back in the wild west, where clients can only rely on their own server.) If you have some ideas please propose them.
> Julian
> Julian Hyde
> jhyde at pentaho.com

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