[Mondrian] UnionRole and explicit / implicit rules

Paul Stoellberger p.stoellberger at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 06:47:06 EST 2012

So I was just playing with roles and I configured my foodmart to use both roles "No HR Cube" and "California Manager" for my dummy user.

Now the result is rather interesting:
1) I don't see a HR cube, but all other (although california manager has only access to sales), so the union works as i expect it
2) the customer / store hierarchy in Sales are restricted (top / bottom level) => see http://jira.pentaho.com/browse/MONDRIAN-1168
3) i can see the city  "Los Angeles" in the results, althoug I was expecting not to see them.

If the level restriction (access none) worked, so should the member access.
While there is now a Math.min() for levels, its a max() for members etc.

The "No HR Cube" doesn't set explicit access restriction on the customer / store hierarchy, so the one from california manager should overrule it.
If both had access set explicitly on that hierarchy / member it should use max() of both, but not if only 1 sets it.

Before I propose any changes to RoleUnionImpl I wanted to know if you agree with that?


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