[Mondrian] Mondrian-UserRoleMapper

Kleyson Rios kleysonrios at saude.go.gov.br
Wed May 23 09:38:30 EDT 2012

I am trying to use Mondrian-One-To-One-UserRoleMapper but it not 
working. I tried in 3.10 and 4.5 versions.
When I call the analysis I got the following message: This page cannot 
be accessed directly. It must be linked to from other pages

I am debuging the code to try identify if it is some bug, but I am not 
able to figure out.

But checking mapPlatformRolesToMondrianRoles (in MDXConnection.java) it 
looks be working correctly, because I have the following input properties:
DataSource=SampleData; PoolNeeded=false; Provider=mondrian; 

and the following output properties:
DataSource=SampleData; PoolNeeded=false; Provider=mondrian; 
Locale=en_US; Role=Authenticated

If in the pentahoObjects.spring.xml file I set <property 
name="failOnEmptyRoleList" value="false" /> for the bean, my analysis 
works fine.

For some reason the Roles are not be passed and aplied in the schema.

Any idea about that ?
How can I do this work ?


Kleyson Rios
Gestor de TI
Coordenador de BI / Banco de Dados
Gerência de Tecnologia da Informação
Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Goiás
(62) 3201-3707

Se não pode vencer pelo talento, vença pelo esforço. (Dave Weinbaum)

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