[Mondrian] Extends MDXConnection

Kleyson Rios kleysonrios at saude.go.gov.br
Wed Jun 20 09:12:07 EDT 2012

I would like to understand how MDXConnection and setRole works.

I have a class that extends MDXConnection with the following code:

Schema schemaRole = thisConn.getSchema();
RoleImpl customRoleImpl = new CustomUserRole(schemaRole);

In the CustomUserRole (that extends RoleImpl) I set properly a new 
customized schema role.

The same configuration for the customRoleImpl works fine for 'New 
Analyser' in Pentaho EE but doesn't for JPivot in Pentaho CE.

My question is: Does role security is an application dependent like 'New 
Analyser'/JPivot or should work independent of the view application ?

The HashTable for the member grants in the customRoleImpl:
[Product].[All Products]=<[Product].[All Products], CUSTOM>,
[Product].[Motorcycles]=<[Product].[Motorcycles], ALL>,
[Product].[Classic Cars]=<[Product].[Classic Cars], ALL>,
[Product].[Planes]=<[Product].[Planes], ALL>


Kleyson Rios
Gestor de TI
Coordenador de BI / Banco de Dados
Gerência de Tecnologia da Informação
Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Goiás
(62) 3201-3707

Se não pode vencer pelo talento, vença pelo esforço. (Dave Weinbaum)

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