[Mondrian] How to specify the location of mondrian.properties file

Pedro Salgueiro pedro.salgueiro at inductiva.pt
Tue Aug 21 10:29:38 EDT 2012


We use Mondrian together with olap4j and we are having some problems 
with the location of the files mondrian.properties and locale.properties.

At the moment, we have the files inside the project, under 
'src/main/resouces/', which works ok.

The problem is that we would like to put this files outside of the 
project, since they will be shared between several projects, and it 
makes no sense to have multiple copies of these files.

Is there any way of specifying the location of the property files? If 
not, any idea on how to externalize these files, so they can be shared 
between several projects?

Best regards,
Pedro Salgueiro

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