[Mondrian] SegmentCache: getSegmentHeaders and cache content synchronization

Tiago Ferreira tiago.ferreira at webdetails.pt
Wed Apr 11 10:06:02 EDT 2012


We have a SegmentCache implementation on top of Hazelcast, but mondrian
doesn't seem to take into account what's actually in it.
If we restart pentaho leaving the cache running, repeating an already
cached query always results in a put. Also, if a cached segment is directly
removed from hazelcast, mondrian keeps attempting to get it from cache
without a put.

getSegmentHeaders is implemented in our cache, but it is never called.
Looking at the source I could only find references to the method in
SegmentCacheWorker and SegmentCache implementations (CompositeSegmentCache,
MemorySegmentCache), it doesn't seem to be called at all.

Any help?

Tiago G.F.
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