[Mondrian] Mondrian Orchestrator SPI

Pedro Alves pmgalves at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 20:46:11 EST 2011

Alright - long flight home and I'd like to look into this.

Initial questions. Reading through that documentation it calls for a 
pentaho-analysis-config.xml .  Mondrian 3.3 doesn't have that.

If I want to start implementing my backend, how do I register it into 
mondrian? Any tips on the best way to start? I can dig the code, but any 
help will be useful.

Any existing test case that I could use to test my changes?



On 30-09-11 12:16 AM, Luc Boudreau wrote:
> Pedro,
> Let's take that conversation to the public mailing list, shall we?
> Since you'll be writing a hazelcast implementation of the SegmentCache
> SPI, we might throw into the deal a new SPI for Mondrian so we can
> leverage hazelcast's task distribution capabilities.
> Hazelcast can return a java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService. For
> Mondrian, this means that it would simply have a new SPI which would
> provide that service to the RolapResultShepherd. The default
> implementation will run the tasks on the local machine, while allowing
> the community to build their own executor service and customize how
> and where the queries are executed by a cluster of Mondrian nodes.
> Better yet, we can isolate Mondrian further and create a simpler SPI,
> something along the lines of:
> public interface Orchestrator {
>      public<T>  Future<T>execute(FutureTask<T>  delta, Type type) throws
> MondrianException;
>      public enum Task {
>          /** Task related to the execution of a MDX query coming from
> the user thread. Low priority. **/
>          MDX_USER_QUERY(0),
>          /** Task related to the execution of a sub query. High priority. **/
>          MDX_SUB_QUERY(10);
>          private final int priority;
>          private Task(int priority) {
>              this.priority = priority;
>          }
>          /** Returns the priority of this type of task, relative to other types,
>              on a scale of Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
>              A reference priority of 0 is given to MDX queries sent by a
>              user on a user thread. **/
>          public int getPriority(int priority) {
>              return this.priority;
>          }
>      };
> }
> I'd like some review from other users of Mondrian on that API, if
> possible. If someone has a better idea, please share.
> If you want some more documentation on the SegmentCache SPI, here is a
> list of some resources.
> Here is the actual API.
> http://perforce.eigenbase.org:8080/@md=d&cd=//open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/spi/&cdf=//open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/spi/SegmentCache.java&rc=s&sr=14276&c=sbY@//open/mondrian/src/main/mondrian/spi/SegmentCache.java
> Some explanations on the SPI.
> http://devdonkey.blogspot.com/2011/02/mondrian-spi-segmentcache.html
> Here is some more functional documentation explaining how the segment
> cache interacts with Mondrian.
> http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/analysis/Pentaho+Analysis+EE#PentahoAnalysisEE-ArchitectureofaMondriannode
> Luc

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