[Mondrian] Using global dimension, but applying local level names

Diethard Steiner diethard.steiner at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 09:47:28 EDT 2011

It's extremely convenient to use global dimensions. In my case, I have one
global date dimension and reuse it about 28 times.
The problem though is, that while I can assign a local dimension name, the
levels will still have the same name as the global level name.

In example:
Date/Monthly Calendar/Year/Month/Day in Month
Registration Date/Monthly Calendar/Year/Month/Day in Month

What I'd like to see in a GUI like Analyzer is:
Registration Date/Registration Date - Monthly Calendar/Registration Date
- Year/Registration Date- Month/Registration Date - Day in Month

Otherwise if somebody does a search for month, they will get returned 28
"months" ... so there is not way to differentiate them ("Registration Date
- Month", "Cancellation Date - Month" would be more meaningful).

Is there a way to achieve this by making some modifications to the schema?
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