[Mondrian] [MDX] How to find the current hierarchy

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Thu Dec 22 13:41:43 EST 2011

On Dec 22, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Pedro Alves wrote:

> So - I'm screwed?

I guess... if you want to put it that way...

To put it more charitably. If you want a concept of "current hierarchy", it doesn't exist in MDX, so you will need to add it in the UI model.

Remember, hierarchies are intended not just for the case where Time has hierarchies Monthly and Weekly, and most people only want one of these on the screen. We also need to the case where Gender, Marital Status, Geography, City, Age are all hierarchies in the Customer dimension, and people would often want to display more than one of these.


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