[Mondrian] Spot the mistake

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Fri Mar 12 02:01:12 EST 2010

This might not be it, but here's something to check anyway.
Make sure that your caption, name etc. are functionally dependent on the
level key. For example, consider the following fictitious dimension table
for a Product dimension with levels Product and Manufacturer:
====== ======== ======= =========
1      Sony     100     Walkman
1      Hitachi  101     Playstation
2      Toyota   102     Prius
2      Toyota   103     Camry
Mondrian assumes that MFR_NAME is functionally dependent on MFR_ID, but it
isn't for MFR_ID = 1. Depending on whether the query selects MFR_NAME,
you'll either get 2 or 3 distinct manufacturers.
This applies to attributes of levels (name, caption, ordinal, and parent if
it is a parent-child level) and any member properties of that level.
You might think this is lame, but for efficiency, Mondrian gets all the
properties of a member using 'SELECT DISTINCT' (or SELECT ... GROUP BY, same
thing). Basically, Mondrian delivers good performance by trusting that you
have done your job properly at ETL time.
By the way, there is a similar trade-off where Mondrian assumes that every
foreign key from the fact table (or indeed between tables in a snowflake
dimension) has referential integrity.
Schema workbench ought to have a validate mode that checks this stuff. This
is the kind of thing we might put into a future release of Enterprise


From: mondrian-bounces at pentaho.org [mailto:mondrian-bounces at pentaho.org] On
Behalf Of Ati Rosselet
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:27 AM
To: tom at wamonline.org.uk; Mondrian developer mailing list
Subject: Re: Re: [Mondrian] Spot the mistake

try posting your cube definition as well.. that might help someone spot a

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:19 PM, <tom at wamonline.org.uk> wrote:

Ok here's my analysis

If I remove the nameColumn definition from that row as I said earlier jpivot
then returns the results I would expect.
If I then add CONTENT_TITLE to captionColumn then it returns the 3 records
in the resultset.

Which is fine in JPivot..... but PRD doesn't support captionColumn.

This must also be surely quite a serious flaw as people's resultset's could
be correct for 90% of queries and then just randomly drop stuff silently?



On Thu 11/03/10 2:26 PM , tom at wamonline.org.uk sent:

Try it to the list this time: 

Changing uniquemembers has no affect 



On Thu 11/03/10 1:24 PM , Ati Rosselet ati.rosselet at gmail.com sent:

hmm... maybe you have unique set to true for the name or caption columns?

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:41 PM, <tom at wamonline.org.uk> wrote:

Ok then,

If I remove the nameColumn and captionColumn from the Content Dimension
Track Name level, so I'm left with bare content id's the records reappear. 


On Thu 11/03/10 12:29 PM , tom at wamonline.org.uk sent:

Alright guys I'm having some weird issues with my scd and mondrian:

Basically in our dimension we have 3 records with the same artist name, same
track name, but differing content_id's.

If I do this mdx query:

select {[Measures].[Content Purchases]} ON COLUMNS, 
   [Content].[All Content].[Theme].Children ON ROWS
from [Purchases]

It returns 3 different with records with the various sales against them this
is the correct result, as there are 3 different dimension entries for the
Ghostbusters Theme tune.

But if for example I run:

select NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Content Purchases]} ON COLUMNS,
  NON EMPTY Hierarchize(Union(Union({[Content].[All Content]},
[Content].[All Content].Children), [Content].[All
Content].[Theme].Children)) ON ROWS
from [Purchases]

Which is mdx generated by jpivot, it only returns the first member from the
content dimension, even though when it runs the sql queries to retrieve
members the other ghostbuster records are returned in the initial member
search, if that makes sense.
This is the SQL generated for the member lookup:

`c1`, `D_CONTENT`.`CONTENT_TITLE` as `c2` from `D_CONTENT` as `D_CONTENT`,

This is the SQL generated for looking up the records in the fact:

select `D_CONTENT`.`ARTIST_NAME` as `c0`, `D_CONTENT`.`CONTENT_ID` as `c1`,
`D_CONTENT`.`ARTIST_NAME` = 'Theme' and `D_CONTENT`.`CONTENT_ID` in ('318',
'324', '325', '326', '336', '350', '354', '356', '373', '374', '381', '393',
'395', '397', '403', '406', '410', '414', '424', '427', '434', '436', '442',
'454', '455', '456', '462', '466', '475', '476', '480', '482', '487', '495',
'503', '510', '532', '540', '541', '3013', '3014', '3015', '3025', '3026',
'3027', '3028', '3029', '3030', '3031', '3032', '3033', '3034', '3035',
'3036', '3037', '3038', '3039', '3040', '3041', '3042', '3043', '3044',
'3045', '3046', '3047', '3048', '3049', '3050', '3051', '3052', '3054',
'3055', '3056', '3057', '3058', '3059', '3060', '3061', '3062', '3063',
'3064', '3065', '3066', '3067', '3068', '3070', '3071', '3073', '3074',
'3075', '3076', '3077', '3078', '3079', '3080', '3081', '3082', '3083',
'3084', '3085', '3086', '3087', '3088', '3089', '3090', '3092', '3096',
'3116', '3139', '3140', '3141', '3142', '3144', '3145', '3147', '3148',
'3156', '3157', '3176', '3427', '3445', '3538', '3664', '5780', '5781',
'5782', '5819', '5820', '5822', '5823') group by `D_CONTENT`.`ARTIST_NAME`,

The content id for the missing records obviously isn't included in the
Where.. IN().

What procedural error have I missed?



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