[Mondrian] Setting up Eclipse for Mondrian

mydb mydb mydbline at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 20:46:26 EST 2010

Hi there-

I would like to debug Mondrian source code to better understand it. I
am new here. At Mondrian developer documenataion I only see where to
put breakpoints but don't find any instruction to setting up an IDE.

I want to use the debugging (using eclipse or other IDE) for simple
CommandRunner executions as well as for using jPivot tables (using
http://localhost:8080/mondrian) and running sample queries.

Can I setup Eclipse for debugging in these two cases (CommandRunner
and jPivot tables.), I only want to debug Mondrian Java code.

Please help or provide any source (url/forum) to search in.

Thanks in advance-

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