[Mondrian] The coding standards nazi strikes again

Julian Hyde julian.hyde at sqlstream.com
Thu May 28 19:37:33 EDT 2009

Mondrian & olap4j developers,
A few days ago I changed the checkFile script to enforce line length. I also
fixed all olap4j file, and a few mondrian files, to comply with the 80
character limit. This has always been the standard; we've just not enforced
it before.
Because I wasn't able to fix all mondrian files, checkFile allows line
lengths up to 90 for existing files, but in strict mode - which is invoked
if you use the '--opened' or '--strict' flag - lines must be no longer than
80 chars.
What do you need to do? Before checking in a file, run 'checkFile --opened'
and fix all violations. You may need to fix a few violations which were not
your fault. Sorry about that. But you will be getting us nearer to
asymptotic compliance with the coding guidelines.
If I send review comments, please fix them in a timely manner. If you do
not, I will back out your change or suspend your committer privileges.
Sorry to be authoritarian. It's important that we have consistency in code
formatting. We tried making compliance voluntary, and it didn't work.
For details on getting checkFile, and developer's guidelines in general,
please see
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