[Mondrian] SteelWheels data set

Aaron Phillips aphillips at pentaho.com
Wed Mar 18 09:02:47 EDT 2009

I don't know if anyone would find this (attached) script useful; I've
loaded FoodMart enough times to want to script the process.  I used this
(bash) script just a month or so ago, so it is ivy-aware.  The idea is
you can run this script from a clean Mondrian distribution and load
foodmart in one step.  Perhaps it could be generalized to load other
schemas amoung other things.  
I have the script living in <mondrian-install>/bin,
e.g. /opt/mondrian3.0/bin in my environment.

On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 16:54 -0700, Julian Hyde wrote:
> I have added Mondrian's SteelWheels data set and a test case that uses
> it. SteelWheels is a smaller data set than FoodMart, and will be
> familiar to many of you as the data set installed when Mondrian is
> part of the Pentaho suite.
> We've always asked for bug testcases to be in terms of the FoodMart
> data set. From now on, we will be accepting test cases on SteelWheels
> too.
> To write a test case, add a method to SteelWheelsTestCase.java, and
> copy-paste one of the existing tests.
> For details on how to install the data set, see
> http://p4webhost.eigenbase.org:8080/open/mondrian/doc/install.html.
> Currently there is a only a loader for MySQL. But I know you're an
> ingenious bunch, who will figure out how to load it into other
> databases...
> Julian
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