[Mondrian] SteelWheels data set

Julian Hyde julian at hydromatic.net
Tue Mar 17 19:54:13 EDT 2009

I have added Mondrian's SteelWheels data set and a test case that uses it.
SteelWheels is a smaller data set than FoodMart, and will be familiar to
many of you as the data set installed when Mondrian is part of the Pentaho
We've always asked for bug testcases to be in terms of the FoodMart data
set. From now on, we will be accepting test cases on SteelWheels too.
To write a test case, add a method to SteelWheelsTestCase.java, and
copy-paste one of the existing tests.
For details on how to install the data set, see
Currently there is a only a loader for MySQL. But I know you're an ingenious
bunch, who will figure out how to load it into other databases...
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