[Mondrian] RE: Mondrian mp factory classes

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Thu Jul 16 19:21:22 EDT 2009

> Eric wrote:
> I ran the whole suite, dumping stats for every Map.get().  
> While there  
> are some cases where using Flat3Map is suboptimal (map size > 3),  
> they're outnumbered nearly 10 to 1 by the cases where it is used  
> optimally.  Should be a net win overall.
> If we really want to get serious about it I'm sure we can add some  
> information in those cases where we put the extra properties 
> into the  
> map, but I'm not going to take that on just yet.  I'll log a JIRA  
> issue to remind us.
> As a side note, 99.98% of the suboptimal choices were 
> associated with  
> [Measures].[MeasuresLevel].  All of them had zero declared 
> properties,  
> but either 4 or 5 "extra" properties.

A simple rule to use a HashMap for measures, Flat3Map for everything else
should do it. Log a jira case if you don't want to take this on now.


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