[Mondrian] eigenbase-resgen-

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Sat Nov 1 19:04:24 EDT 2008

I have made a release of eigenbase-resgen on sourceforge:


This package contains eigenbase-resgen.jar, which mondrian and farrago
use for generating resource files, and eigenbase-xom.jar, which mondrian
uses for parsing XML schemas.

Resgen is built under JDK 1.4, so it will work on JDK 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
without retroweaving.

Mondrian developers: Mondrian does not use the new eigenbase-resgen just
yet - I need to update pentaho's maven repository and mondrian's
ivy.xml. I will do that in the next few days, and then the new
eigenbase-xom and eigenbase-resgen jars will automatically be downloaded
when you build.

Farrago/LucidDB developers: I have checked in as
thirdparty/eigenbase-resgen-1.3.zip, so it will be used by farrago from
the next time you sync perforce.


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