[Mondrian] FW: Cron <jhyde at marmalade> nice bash --login /home/jhyde/open2/mondrian/bin/megatest --nightly

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Sun May 4 14:03:08 EDT 2008


These two errors started occurring against oracle/JDK 1.5 (and other
configurations - but interestingly not oracle/JDK 1.6) with your change
10937. Can you take a look at them please.

Running test with JDK=jdk1.5 retroweave= database=oracle props={}
     [java] 1)
expected query [select "store"."store_state" as "c0",
"time_by_day"."the_year" as "c1", count(distinct
"sales_fact_1997"."customer_id") as "m0", grouping("store"."store_state") as
"g0" from "store" "store", "sales_fact_1997" "sales_fact_1997",
"time_by_day" "time_by_day" where "sales_fact_1997"."store_id" =
"store"."store_id" and "store"."store_state" in ('CA', 'OR') and
"sales_fact_1997"."time_id" = "time_by_day"."time_id" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 group by grouping sets
)] did not occur
     [java] 2)
framework.AssertionFailedError: expected query [select
"time_by_day"."the_year" as "c0", "time_by_day"."quarter" as "c1",
"promotion"."media_type" as "c2", count(distinct
"sales_fact_1997"."customer_id") as "m0" from "time_by_day" "time_by_day",
"sales_fact_1997" "sales_fact_1997", "promotion" "promotion" where
"sales_fact_1997"."time_id" = "time_by_day"."time_id" and
"time_by_day"."the_year" = 1997 and "time_by_day"."quarter" = 'Q1' and
"sales_fact_1997"."promotion_id" = "promotion"."promotion_id" and
"promotion"."media_type" in ('Radio', 'TV') group by
"time_by_day"."the_year", "time_by_day"."quarter", "promotion"."media_type"]
did not occur

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