[Mondrian] Mondrian build news

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Wed Jun 18 19:42:41 EDT 2008

> John Sichi wrote:
> I was happy to find out that if ivy can't access the repository, it 
> doesn't fail as long as it already has the libraries cached from a 
> previous download (requiring connectivity for incremental 
> builds would 
> be a pain).
> ivy output does add a bit of noise/latency to common build steps.

I have (in change 11189) made the 'skip.download' variable apply to the
'download-ivy' and 'resolve' targets. So now if you are offline or simply
don't want to wait for ant/ivy to check its dependencies every build, supply
the flag on the command line:

$ ant -Dskip.download=true [target...]


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