[Mondrian] Cube creation

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.com
Fri Dec 12 14:25:06 EST 2008


 But when I try the following query,

Select [Value Of Sales] ON COLUMNS FROM sales, I get the following error ,

Mondrian Error:Failed to parse query 'Select [Value Of Sales] ON COLUMNS
FROM sales'

Mondrian Error:Error while parsing MDX statement 'Select [Value Of Sales] ON

Mondrian Error:MDX object '[Value Of Sales]' not found in cube 'sales' 

The problem seems to be with your MDX, not your schema. You should have
Select [Measures].[Value Of Sales] ON COLUMNS FROM sales

If you are an MDX newbie, take the time to learn the language. It isn't as
much like SQL as it looks.
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