[Mondrian] Problem with aggregate tables..

Julian Hyde jhyde at pentaho.org
Mon Nov 19 19:16:22 EST 2007

Thanks for the update. I don't mind waiting another month or so, because
mondrian 3.0 is not due out til December. For people who are building
mondrian from source (and they are the only people who would benefit during
that month), they can incorporate your posted patch.
Sorry to have to be a tough bastard about this... it comes with being head
of QA of mondrian as well as being architect, lead developer and chief
evangelist. If I accept patches without regression tests, mondrian would
soon degrade into a pool of half-working code (or I would spend my whole
time writing regression tests, and then I'd have to jump off a bridge).


From: mondrian-bounces at pentaho.org [mailto:mondrian-bounces at pentaho.org] On
Behalf Of Ati Rosselet
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 1:46 PM
To: Mondrian developer mailing list
Subject: Re: [Mondrian] Problem with aggregate tables..

I just haven't been able to get the regression test done... completely
swamped by my work, and now I'm waiting for a knee operation (blew out my
knee) - not conducive to coherent thought.. :(   This was an important fix
for us, so I'd like to get it into the mondrian code (surely someone else
will be, or has already encountered the problem..).   I don't suppose anyone
else would like to throw a test together?  If not.. I'll try to deal with it
when I'm back on the grid.. about 2 weeks I think 

On Oct 23, 2007 2:12 AM, Julian Hyde <julianhyde at speakeasy.net> wrote:

Thanks for the fix. I've run your changes through the regression suite.
Looking good so far. I'll run the suite in all of its various property
settings tonight and see if anything pops out.
Since this change is a bug fix, I need a regression test before I will check
in. I think you could construct a testcase based on the foodmart database.
Add the test to TestAggregationManager; testMultipleMeasures is an example
of a test which runs an MDX query and checks that a particular SQL query is
generated. You will also need to use TestContext.create() to alter the XML;
testKeyExpressionCardinalityCache is an example of a test which does that.


From: mondrian-bounces at pentaho.org [mailto:mondrian-bounces at pentaho.org] On
Behalf Of Ati Rosselet

Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 5:23 PM
To: Mondrian developer mailing list
Subject: Re: [Mondrian] Problem with aggregate tables..

sorry... cut and paste got me.. end of first function ended up after the end
of the 2nd modified function. so

         * Finds ALL the child tables of the fact table with the given
         * used in their left join condition. This is used by the
         * while characterizing the fact table columns. (previous only
returned FIRST child)
       public ArrayList<RolapStar.Table>
findTablesWithLeftJoinCondition(final String columnName) 

            java.util.ArrayList<RolapStar.Table> tables = new
            for (Table child : getChildren()) {
                Condition condition = child.joinCondition;
                if (condition != null) {
                    if (condition.left instanceof MondrianDef.Column) {
                        MondrianDef.Column mcolumn =
                            ( MondrianDef.Column) condition.left;
                        if (mcolumn.name.equals(columnName)) {
            return (tables.size()==0?null:tables);

and  remove the return part from other function..


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