[Mondrian] Re: Eigenbase perforce change 8742 for review

John V. Sichi jsichi at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 04:24:25 EST 2007

Richard Emberson wrote:
> John,
> If you put your local properties into a file, say
> local.properties, and then call the build script
> passing that that file name, e.g.,
>  > ./build.sh -propertyfile local.properties test
> it will pick up the properties from that file.
> Since I wrap all calls to the build script, I
> don't have to type it in all the time.

Thanks; that works well for a command-line person like me.  I found out 
that with the most excellent CmdRunner, you can also aggregate property 
files by specifying -p multiple times on the same command line.

However, this still doesn't fix the problem for the IDE crowd, does it?


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